Are Our Leads For You? leads aren’t for everybody and at the end of the day they are LEADS, not guaranteed sales. We can generate the best quality leads in the business, but if the broker or carrier receiving our leads isn’t set up to PROPERLY work them it’s a waste of time, and both parties (lead provider and company buying them) are destined to be unsuccessful together.


Before purchasing our leads, please ask yourself the following questions below. If you answered “no” to any of these questions, chances are that your business isn’t ready to receive our leads:


  1. Does your business have a sales team to answer phone calls during “normal business hours”?
  2. Does your sales team answer phone calls quickly (3 rings at the most) without having to put potential customers on hold, or use any automated phone system?
  3. Does your sales team receive and respond to emails quickly?
  4. Does your sales team speak good and clear, proper English?
  5. Is your sales team well trained and knowledgeable in the auto transport niche?
  6. Does your business have a professional looking website?


Did you answer “yes” to all of the questions above? If so, contact us today!